Federal government action plan for drones and air taxis

Federal Minister Andreas Scheuer has presented the Federal Government's action plan for unmanned aerial systems and innovative aviation concepts to the Federal Cabinet.
The aim is to enable the use of drones - and in the future also air taxis - as a regular mode of transport.
Factual information on the Federal Government's action plan:
The action plan is intended to promote research and development and the transition to practical application, as well as to strengthen public safety and order.
The action plan also includes measures to implement the new EU regulation on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Three central goals serve as guidelines for implementation:
1. We want to become a lead market and establish high safety standards.
2. We want to bring automated and networked flying into practice.
3. We want to protect personal data, privacy and the environment.
These measures will be incorporated into the upcoming revision of the German Air Traffic Regulations (LuftVO). A draft bill on this is in the works.
The Federal Government's action plan is available at www.bmvi.de/aktionsplan-drohnen.
Source: BMVI
Image: BMVI