The VDI informs: Operational safety of UAS

In its latest publication, the VDI informs members about the operational safety of UAS. The publication defines five fields of action for safe operation.
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have made rapid progress over the past 20 years. Once only used in the military sector, they are now also found in the civilian sector. UAS are a versatile and flexible tool, especially for science and research, SAR and industry. For example, UAS will play an important role in planetary exploration in the future. Today, UAS are used by rescue services and fire brigades, in commerce and industry, as well as for leisure and hobby purposes. With the proliferation of UAS, the need has arisen to recognise unmanned aerial vehicles as full participants in air transport and later in complex urban mobility systems. However, this goes hand in hand with the obligation of users to comply with existing air traffic regulations. For this reason, minimum standards for the operation of UAS are defined by the authorities.
The publication defines five fields of action for the safe operation of UAS:
Social acceptance
Operating environments and hazards
Hazard analysis and assessment
UAV detection and defence
Future operating environments
Source: VDI